Pearl TRAP Program
Pearl TRAP (The Rhythmic Arts Project)
For whom is the program designed?
The Rhythmic Arts Project is designed for people with various disabilities as well as typical pre-school and first to second graders working on their basic life skills such as focus, attention, better behavior, adding and subtracting, perceptual audio and visual match, fine and gross motor skills, and building confidence and social interaction.
How proven is the program and what endorsements does T.R.A.P. have?
The program has proved successful across many health care arenas including physical rehab and in organizations who serve people with developmental disabilities. There are many testimonies on the TRAP website.
How big or small are the classes?
The classes are optimal at no more than ten participants although this may be increased in time after a level of success has been achieved.
Can I add more instruments if needed?
Instruments may be added as needed by simply calling 1-800-449-9128 and ordering from the a la Carte menu for the TRAP program.
What if I am a parent of a child with disabilities?
If you prefer home schooling or just a continued program in your home we offer the Parent TRAP. This package includes everything you will need to learn and facilitate the program in the privacy of your own home.
How do I get trained in the program?
TRAP has a “train-the-trainer-program” available for the asking. In most cases, the day program, school or organization will purchase the full TRAP Package and then we will send in a trainer for a two day intensive training at the respective facility. The people who want to be facilitators learn hands on with their own clients.
Do I need to be a drummer or musician to participate in T.R.A.P.?
No, absolutely not. In fact the majority of TRAP facilitators are from existing staff in various facilities. The program is not based in musical drumming knowledge, rather in addressing basic life skills by integrating the drums and percussion into existing exercises. The approach is other than conventional and fun for the student as well as the teacher.
Is T.R.A.P just for people living with disabilities?
TRAP is a fun program for young people who are in the developmental stages of life, 3 through 7 or 8 years of age and is also for kids, young adults and adults with developmental and or other disabilities.
I’m ready to get started. What is the next step?
The very first step I would suggest is to purchase the educational package from the TRAP web site. This will give you a comprehensive look at the program to which you may then decide to pursue the program fully.
I would like to become a T.R.A.P facilitator and trainer, so what can I do?
TRAP is discussing two-day facilitation workshops in Carpinteria California and in a few other places in the U.S. for the near future. Stay tuned to the TRAP website for this. Another option is to join a workshop in progress at various facilities across the nation. These dates are normally posted on our website calendar or you can call the TRAP office at 805-745-8280.