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Accompaniment Band Method Books

(9 Items)
Carl Fischer Gold Coast Harmony
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $9.97
Hal Leonard Essential Elements 2000 for Band - Piano...
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $14.99
FJH Music Measures of Success Piano Accompaniment Book 2
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $10.95
Alfred Sound Innovations for Concert Band Book 1 Piano...
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $14.99
KJOS Standard Of Excellence Book 1 Accompaniment CD (2-CD...
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $14.95
FJH Music Measures of Success® Piano Accompaniment Book 1
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $12.95
Alfred Sound Innovations for Concert Band - Ensemble...
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $14.99
Alfred Sound Innovations for Concert Band Book 2 Piano Acc....
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $14.99
Alfred Classic Festival Solos for Oboe, Volume II Piano...
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $8.99

How can you make an excellent set of resource materials even better? Simple: by adding more information on the side! That's exactly what the goal is for the accompaniment band method books in this section. The references found here are designed to take your favorite method books and instructions to the next level, adding interactive accompaniments or supplemental written material to go into greater detail on a topic of your choosing. All you have to do is decide on the direction in which you'd like to expand your knowledge, and then search for the accompaniments ready to take you in that direction.

You might, for instance, be looking for an instrument-specific companion for your resources. In that case, something like the Alfred Sound Innovations for Concert Band Book 2 Piano Accompaniment Book could be the way to go. It's designed to pick up where the base book left off, introducing more advanced concepts in segmented steps that makes them easier to understand. It's an invaluable resource for intermediate piano students, and it's just one example of what you'll find here. Another piano book, the Hal Leonard Essential Elements 2000 for Band - Piano Accompaniment Book 1, has earned itself a well-deserved ranking as one of the best sellers in the section.

If you're looking for a more engaging, interactive type of accompaniment band method book, keep your eyes peeled for ones that include CDs. The KJOS Standard of Excellence Book 1 and Book 2 Accompaniment CDs are great examples; in fact, each of those is actually a 2-CD set, offering up a wide variety of professionally-produced recordings to go with each level in the popular KJOS Standard of Excellence Series. For musicians who learn by doing, there's no better accompaniment than these.

Don't wait to stock up on accompaniment band method books. Whether you're expanding an already-diverse library of method books and reference materials or building up a new one from scratch, there's definitely room for these expansions to make it as in-depth as it can be. The results will speak for themselves when you're working with a band whose members have access to all the accompaniment resources they need to take their performances to the next level.