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Gear returned in mint condition. If you're looking for a virtually new instrument in possibly less-than-perfect packaging, this is a great value.

  • Includes 45-Day, No-Hassle Returns
  • Includes full manufacturer's warranty
  • Includes 2-Year Free Warranty on all guitars and basses
  • Gold coverage plan available for 1 or 2 years coverage Click to learn more.


Gear returned in great condition, with only minor signs of use, such as slight scuffs or pick marks. It looks and plays like new and may be considered an equivalent to display units found in retail stores.

  • Includes 45-Day, No-Hassle Returns
  • Includes full manufacturer's warranty
  • Includes 2-Year Free Warranty on all guitars and basses
  • Gold coverage plan available for 1 or 2 years coverage Click to learn more.


Gear returned in good working condition with one or more scratches or dents, typical of an instrument that's seen normal wear and tear. It's a great choice if you're looking for performance and value and can overlook cosmetic flaws.

  • Includes 45-Day, No-Hassle Returns
  • Includes 2-Year Free Warranty on all guitars and basses
  • Does not include full manufacturer's warranty
  • Gold coverage plan available for 1 or 2 years coverage Click to learn more.
1010music  (1) 21st Century Publications  (1) A&S Crafted Products  (5) Acoustic  (9) Acus Sound Engineering  (1) Adam Audio  (4) Adams  (7) A Designs  (1) AEA  (1) AER  (6) Aguilar  (6) Ahead  (6) Ahead Armor Cases  (3) AirTurn  (5) Akai Professional  (8) AKG  (22) Alesis  (15) Alhambra  (4) Allen & Heath  (17) Allora  (23) Allparts  (2) AlphaTheta  (5) Alpine Hearing Protection  (1) Alto  (6) Altus  (1) Aluratek  (1) Alvarez  (11) Amati  (1) American Audio  (1) American DJ  (21) Ampeg  (16) Animals Pedal  (5) Ansmann  (1) Antelope Audio  (7) API  (1) Apogee  (6) Applied Microphone Technology  (1) Argosy  (5) ARP Synthesizers  (1) Art  (9) Artino  (3) Artiphon  (3) Arturia  (14) Ashdown  (13) Atlas Sound  (1) Attack Drumheads  (1) Audeze  (1) Audient  (4) Audio Innovate  (2) Audio-Technica  (46) Audix  (13) Auralex  (4) Auratone  (1) Austrian Audio  (3) Avantone  (2) Avid  (6) Axe Heaven  (1) B.C. Rich  (1) B&S  (1) Bach  (11) BACKUN  (1) Bad Cat  (10) BAE  (1) Bam  (3) Bang & Olufsen  (1) Barefoot Sound  (1) Bartolini  (5) BASSBOSS  (4) Beechler  (2) Beetronics FX  (3) Behringer  (75) Bellafina  (12) Bergerault  (2) Berg Larsen  (5) Beyerdynamic  (3) Big Bang Distribution  (1) Bigsby  (5) BK Media  (1) Blackmagic Design  (1) Blackstar  (32) Black Swamp Percussion  (4) Blessing  (3) Blizzard  (3) BLUE  (4) Blueridge  (2) BluGuitar  (2) Bobelock  (2) Bogner  (4) Bonade  (1) Bose  (1) Boss  (72) Breedlove  (10) Buffet  (9) Bugera  (4) CAD  (3) CadLive  (1) Carl Martin  (15) Casio  (23) Catalinbread  (11) CB Percussion  (2) Celestion  (13) Chandler Limited  (2) Chapman  (4) Charvel  (22) Chedeville  (1) Clark W Fobes  (3) Claude Lakey  (1) Cloud  (1) Coffin Case  (1) ColorKey  (4) Conn  (3) Control Acoustics  (1) Cool Wind  (1) CopperSound Pedals  (4) Cordoba  (15) Core  (1) Cort  (8) CP  (1) CRAFTER  (1) crazybaby  (1) Cre8audio  (1) Cremona  (5) Crown  (6) Crush Drums & Percussion  (1) D'Addario  (11) D'Addario Woodwinds  (2) D'Angelico  (22) Danelectro  (1) Dangerous Music  (2) Daredevil Pedals  (3) Darkglass  (13) dbx  (7) Ddrum  (17) Dean  (17) Dean Markley  (1) DeArmond  (1) DEATH BY AUDIO  (8) Decibel Eleven  (1) Decksaver  (2) Denis Wick  (3) Denon  (6) Denon Professional  (1) Diamond Head  (2) Diezel  (2) Digital Reference  (2) DigiTech  (4) Direct Sound  (2) Dixon  (3) DI ZHAO  (2) Dobro  (1) DOD  (4) Dogman Devices  (1) DPA Microphones  (4) Dreadbox  (1) Dream  (3) DR Pro  (1) DrumCraft  (1) Duesenberg USA  (1) Dunable Guitars  (1) Dunlop  (20) DV Mark  (8) DW  (32) DYNACORD  (1) Dynaudio  (3) Dynaudio Acoustics  (1) Earasers  (1) EarthQuaker Devices  (11) Earthworks  (4) Eastman  (2) Egnater  (1) Elation  (3) Electro-Harmonix  (57) Electro-Voice  (34) Eliminator Lighting  (4) Empirical Labs  (1) Empress Effects  (3) Engl  (7) ENKI  (2) Epiphone  (40) Ernie Ball  (2) Ernie Ball Music Man  (6) ESP  (29) Etude  (7) Evans  (6) Eventide  (4) EVH  (29) Fender  (155) Fender Custom Shop  (3) First Note  (1) Fishman  (16) Floyd Rose  (9) Fluid Audio  (1) FOCAL  (9) Focusrite  (7) Fossati  (1) Fostex  (1) Fox  (2) Friedman  (22) Fryette  (4) Furman  (8) G&L  (4) G7th  (3) Galaxy Audio  (18) Gallien-Krueger  (13) Gamechanger Audio  (2) GAMMA  (6) Gard  (6) Gator  (80) Gemini  (43) Gem Sound  (1) Genelec  (1) Genzler Amplification  (3) Getzen  (4) Giardinelli  (11) Gibraltar  (15) Gibson  (46) Gibson Custom  (7) GLOBAL TRUSS  (7) Glorious  (1) Godin  (10) Gold Tone  (16) Gon Bops  (1) Gotoh  (1) Graph Tech  (6) Gravity Stands  (3) Gretsch  (1) Gretsch Drums  (17) Gretsch Guitars  (11) Grover-Trophy  (3) Gruv Gear  (4) Guild  (16) H. Jimenez  (1) Hagstrom  (5) Hal Leonard  (1) Hamilton  (2) Hammond  (4) Harbinger  (13) HARDCASE  (1) Harmony  (2) Headliner  (8) Headrush  (2) Heil Sound  (1) Hercules  (5) Hercules DJ  (7) Heritage Audio  (1) Hofner  (3) Hohner  (8) Holton  (1) Honeytone  (1) Hosa  (6) Hughes & Kettner  (4) Humes & Berg  (4) HumiCase  (1) Ibanez  (49) Icon  (7) IK Multimedia  (26) Islander  (3) J.Rockett Audio Designs  (5) J. Winter  (2) J & D Hite  (1) Jackson  (44) Jackson Audio  (1) Jasmine  (3) JBL  (41) JBL Bag  (10) JHS Pedals  (10) JMAZ LIGHTING  (10) JodyJazz  (1) Joyo  (2) Juice Goose  (2) Jupiter  (6) K&M  (3) Kali Audio  (3) Kanile'a Ukulele  (2) KAT Percussion  (3) Kauer Guitars  (1) Kawai  (7) KB Covers  (1) Keeley  (19) Keith McMillen  (1) Kemper  (8) King  (4) Kluson  (1) KNA  (3) Knilling  (1) Kohala  (1) Korg  (39) Kramer  (7) Kremona  (7) KRK  (5) Kun  (1) Kurzweil  (1) Kustom  (2) Kustom PA  (8) Lab Gruppen  (1) Lag Guitars  (6) Lakland  (1) Laney  (19) Lanikai  (8) Last Stand Deluxe  (1) Lauten Audio  (3) LAVA MUSIC  (5) LD Systems  (14) LEA Professional  (2) Leblanc  (1) Legator  (7) Legendary Strings  (1) Lehle  (1) Lewitt Audio Microphones  (4) Line 6  (17) Littlite  (1) Livewire  (13) LM Products  (1) Logickeyboard  (1) Logitech  (1) LP  (29) LR Baggs  (5) LsL Instruments  (3) Lucero  (4) Lucid Audio  (1) Ludwig  (28) Luna  (17) Lynx  (2) Lyons  (5) Mackie  (57) Maestro  (1) MAGMA  (9) Magma Cases  (2) Mahalo  (1) Majestic  (4) Manhasset  (6) Manley  (6) maono  (1) Mapex  (40) Marcinkiewicz  (1) Markbass  (22) Marshall  (19) Martin  (9) M-Audio  (9) Maxon  (6) Meinl  (54) Meris  (1) Mesa Boogie  (20) Meyer  (6) Midas  (3) Middle Atlantic  (1) Midwest Folding Products  (2) Mighty Bright  (1) Mikme  (2) Milkman Sound  (4) Miraphone  (1) Mission Engineering  (2) Mitchell  (12) Modal Electronics Limited  (1) Mogami  (12) Mojave Audio  (2) Mojotone  (4) MONO  (7) Monster Cable  (2) Moog  (1) Morley  (10) MOTU  (1) MTD  (1) MTS Products  (3) MukikiM  (4) Musician's Gear  (15) MuzicLight  (1) MXL  (6) MXR  (21) MXR Custom Shop  (1) Nady  (3) Natal Drums  (2) NativeAudio  (2) Native Instruments  (10) Nektar  (5) Neotech  (1) Neumann  (23) Neunaber  (1) Nino  (6) Nobels  (2) No Nuts  (1) Nord  (13) Norren  (1) Novation  (5) NS Design  (2) Numark  (5) Nuvo  (1) NUX  (23) Oberheim  (1) Odyssey  (17) Old Blood Noise Endeavors  (3) On-Stage Stands  (25) Orange Amplifiers  (28) Orange County Drum & Percussion  (2) Ortega  (10) Ortofon  (3) Otto Link  (9) Ovation  (2) Overseas Connection  (1) P. Mauriat  (4) Paiste  (5) Palmer Audio  (1) Panyard  (2) pBone  (1) PDP by DW  (23) Pearl  (61) Pearl Flutes  (2) Peavey  (29) Pedaltrain  (5) Peluso Microphone Lab  (2) Perri's  (2) Peterson  (1) Phaeton  (1) Phil Jones Bass  (6) Pig Hog  (1) Pigtronix  (12) Pioneer DJ  (15) Pirastro  (2) Polyend  (3) Pork Pie  (1) Positive Grid  (4) Premier  (1) PreSonus  (35) Primacoustic  (5) Primary Sonor  (11) Pro Co  (10) Prodipe  (1) Proline  (6) Protec  (6) Protechtor Cases  (1) Protection Racket  (2) ProX Truss  (15) PRS  (28) Q Parts  (1) QSC  (25) Quik-Lok  (10) Quilter Labs  (6) Radial Engineering  (6) Railhammer  (1) Randall  (6) Rane  (2) Rapco  (1) Rapco Horizon  (7) RCF  (37) Recording King  (9) Regal  (2) Reloop  (8) Remo  (23) Ren Wei Shi  (4) Replacement Cases  (1) Revelle  (1) Reverend  (9) Revv Amplification  (8) RF Venue  (1) Rhythm Band  (5) Rickenbacker  (2) Rico  (1) Ridenour  (1) Road Runner  (12) Rockman  (2) Rock N Roller  (5) ROC-N-SOC  (3) Rode Microphones  (24) Rogue  (7) Rokinon  (2) Roland  (77) Rozanna's Violins  (6) Ruach Music  (2) Rupert Neve Designs  (4) SABIAN  (44) Samson  (1) Saramonic  (8) Sawtooth  (1) Schecter Guitar Research  (69) Scherl and Roth  (1) Schilke  (10) SCHLAGWERK  (2) Seagull  (5) sE Electronics  (9) Sefour  (1) Seiko  (2) Sela  (2) Selmer  (6) Selmer Paris  (7) Sennheiser  (60) Sequential  (3) Seymour Duncan  (22) Sheeran by Lowden  (2) Shredneck  (1) Shure  (122) Silver Creek  (4) Simmons  (11) Singular Sound  (1) Sire  (2) SKB  (55) Slate Digital  (1) Slingerland  (1) Sofiamari  (11) Soldano  (6) Solid State Logic  (5) SONOR  (10) Sony  (3) Soundcraft  (2) Sound Percussion Labs  (15) SOUNDRISE  (1) Source Audio  (3) Spector  (3) SPL  (1) Squier  (6) Stage Ninja  (1) Stager Microphones  (1) Stagg  (11) Standtastic  (2) Stanton  (1) Steinberg  (4) Stentor  (3) Sterling Audio  (1) Sterling by Music Man  (14) Steven Slate Audio  (1) Strandberg  (3) String Sling  (1) Strobel  (2) Strunal  (1) Strymon  (3) Studio 49  (7) Studiologic  (5) Studio RTA  (1) Sugal  (9) Suhr  (3) Summit Audio  (3) Supro  (16) Suzuki  (7) Synergy  (1) Takamine  (8) Tama  (55) Tama Marching  (4) Tanglewood  (1) Tannoy  (3) TASCAM  (12) Taylor  (14) TC Electronic  (12) TC Helicon  (6) Technics  (1) Teenage Engineering  (2) Telefunken  (1) Tempo  (1) Tera Grand  (1) The Loar  (1) Theo Wanne  (8) Thomastik  (1) Titan  (1) Titan Field Frames  (1) TKL  (10) Toca  (18) Tomasi  (2) Tone King  (7) TonePros  (1) ToneSpeak  (3) Tonewood Cases  (1) Trace Elliot  (2) Traveler Guitar  (1) Trends International  (1) Trick  (1) TRUSST  (2) Tuba Essentials  (1) Turbosound  (3) Two Notes Audio Engineering  (4) Ultimate Acoustics  (2) Ultimate Support  (6) Universal Audio  (29) Vandoren  (13) Vanguard Audio Labs  (2) Vater  (2) Vega  (1) VEI  (1) Venue  (1) Vibramate  (2) Vic Firth  (3) V-MODA  (3) VocoPro  (29) Voodoo Lab  (6) Vox  (16) VTG  (1) Walden  (1) Waldorf  (4) WalkaBout  (1) Walrus Audio  (20) Wampler  (8) Warburton  (2) Warm Audio  (16) Washburn  (3) Way Huge Electronics  (4) Williams  (8) Wittner  (1) Woodrow Guitars  (1) Wren And Cuff  (1) Wuhan  (1) Wylde Audio  (2) X8 Drums  (1) XO  (1) Xotic Effects  (2) Xtensor  (1) XVive  (10) Yamaha  (121) Yanagisawa  (3) Yorkville  (4) Zildjian  (10) ZipSpin  (1) Zoom  (18) ZVex  (1)
Open-Box Mackie MC-50BT Wireless Headphones With Wide-Band Active...
4.5 of 5 stars (11)
Open-Box Pigtronix Resotron Filter Effects Pedal
5.0 of 5 stars (6)
Open-Box TASCAM TH-200X Studio Headphones
4.0 of 5 stars (298)
Open-Box Williams Allegro IV 88-Key Digital Piano With Bluetooth and...
5.0 of 5 stars (3)
Open-Box Arturia MiniLab 3 Hybrid Keyboard Controller
5.0 of 5 stars (5)
Open-Box Williams Symphony Grand II Digital Micro Grand Piano With...
5.0 of 5 stars (5)
Open-Box VOX SDC-1 Mini Electric Guitar
4.0 of 5 stars (19)
Open-Box Harbinger VARI V3415 Powered 15" 2-Way Loudspeaker
5.0 of 5 stars (6)
Open-Box Simmons Titan 50 Electronic Drum Kit With Mesh Pads &...
4.5 of 5 stars (20)
Open-Box Harbinger LP9800 Powered Mixer
4.0 of 5 stars (22)
Open-Box TASCAM TH-300X Studio Headphones
4.5 of 5 stars (261)
Open-Box Kustom PA KPC4P Powered Monitor Speaker
4.5 of 5 stars (176)
Open-Box Rogue G10 10W 1x5 Guitar Combo Amp
4.5 of 5 stars (156)
Open-Box Schecter Guitar Research Nick Johnston Diamond Series Trad
4.5 of 5 stars (2)
Open-Box Gretsch Guitars G5232T Electromatic Double Jet FT With...
4.0 of 5 stars (6)
Open-Box Warm Audio WA-8000G Large-Diaphragm Tube Condenser...
0 of 5 stars
Open-Box Alesis Nitro Max 8-Piece Electronic Drum Set With Bluetooth...
4.5 of 5 stars (12)
Open-Box Gemini GMU-M200 Dual Handheld Wireless UHF Microphone...
5.0 of 5 stars (13)
Open-Box Schecter Guitar Research Nick Johnston Traditional S/S/S...
5.0 of 5 stars (3)
Open-Box Morley Distortion Wah Effects Pedal
0 of 5 stars
Open-Box Warm Audio Jet Phaser Effects Pedal
0 of 5 stars
Open-Box Acoustic A15V 15W 1x6.5 Acoustic Combo Amp
4.5 of 5 stars (10)
Open-Box Mitchell MU40C Concert Ukulele
4.5 of 5 stars (31)
Open-Box Acoustic A15 15W 1x6.5 Acoustic Instrument Combo Amp
5.0 of 5 stars (10)
Open-Box Behringer X AIR XR18 18-Channel Digital Rack Mixer
4.5 of 5 stars (56)
Open-Box Electro-Harmonix Analogizer Guitar Effects Pedal
3.5 of 5 stars (6)
Open-Box M-Audio Keystation 49es MK3 Keyboard Controller
4.5 of 5 stars (3)
Open-Box Sterling by Music Man SB4 4-String Electric Bass Guitar
5.0 of 5 stars (4)
Open-Box Sound Percussion Labs Lil' Kicker 3-Piece Junior Drum Set
0 of 5 stars
Open-Box D'Angelico Premier Series Brighton Electric Guitar
4.5 of 5 stars (2)
Open-Box Harbinger VARI SM505 5" Studio Monitor With 3-Voice DSP and...
5.0 of 5 stars (7)
Open-Box Jackson X Series Concert CBXNT DX IV Electric Bass Guitar
5.0 of 5 stars (5)
Open-Box LP Performer Series Conga With Chrome Hardware
4.5 of 5 stars (21)
Open-Box Fender Tone Master Pro Multi-Effects Guitar Pedal
5.0 of 5 stars (10)
Open-Box Markbass MB58R MINI CMD 121 PURE Bass Combo
4.0 of 5 stars (5)
Open-Box Schecter Guitar Research C-1 Platinum Electric Guitar
4.5 of 5 stars (28)
Open-Box Simmons Titan 20 Electronic Drum Kit With Mesh Pads and...
3.5 of 5 stars (3)
Open-Box Kustom PA KPX210A 100W Dual 10" Powered Monitor
4.5 of 5 stars (5)
Open-Box Epiphone Les Paul Custom Limited-Edition Electric Guitar
5.0 of 5 stars (11)
Open-Box Remo Lollipop Drum
5.0 of 5 stars (8)