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Ernie Ball Acoustic Guitar Strings

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Ernie Ball 3003 Earthwood 80/20 Bronze Medium Light...
5.0 of 5 stars (4)
Product Price  $17.89

Ernie Ball has definitely earned the reputation of being one of the premier names in the world of acoustic guitar strings. Ernie Ball's love of the guitar is unparalleled. It's a love that led him to open the first store in North America dedicated to selling only guitars. It's also a love them drove him to develop his now legendary Ernie Ball guitar strings.

You can't go far in the music world without finding a guitar strung with Ernie Ball strings. In fact, some seriously renowned names love Ernie Ball acoustic strings and use them almost exclusively. We're talking about musicians such as Paul McCartney, The Eagles, John Fogerty, Brad Paisley, Kenny Chesney, Elvis Costello, Chris Cornell, and more. All these artists, beyond being some of the biggest names in the industry, have one thing in common: they trust their acoustic sound to Ernie Ball.

If names as big as those trust Ernie Ball, it's no wonder yo

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