Brown is said to be a color that conveys friendliness and it can even increase a person's appetite. Who knows - it could be those two reasons why so many bass players prefer brown bass guitars. After all, it's your job as a musician to connect with people, and making a name for yourself on the scene requires an appetite to get up on stage and share your music with others. If this sounds like you, then a brown bass guitar might be right up your alley and you'll find more than enough choices in this catalog.
From G&L and Yamaha to Squier, Rickenbacker and PRS, these companies have earned themselves sterling reputations for their beautifully crafted bass guitars, and they all offer models in various shades of brown. Of course, just because two basses are brown, that doesn't mean they sound or play the same. Every brown bass guitar in these pages is unique in its own way, and the right one for you will depend on th
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