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G. Schirmer G. Schirmer

G. Schirmer Reliquary of English Songs - Volume 1 Vocal Collection Series Composed by Various Edited by F Potter

Q&A SKU #K04569000000000
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Contents: About the sweet bag of a bee · Ah! the syghes that come fro' my heart · Arise, ye subterranean winds · Awake, sweet love · Barbara Allen · Beauty and Love · The British Grenadiers · Cease, O my sad soul · Come again, sweet love · Come, lovely Phillis · Dido's Lament · Gather ye rosebuds while ye may · Have you seen but a white lily grow · Hence, hence with your trifling deity · How happy art thou · The Hunt is up · I attempt from love's sickness to fly · I do confess · If the quick spirit of your eye · I live not where I love · I pass all my hours · I prethee, send me back my heart · It was a lover and his lass · The Knotting Song · Let us dance, let us sing · Lilliburlero · Little love serves my turn · Love will find out the way · Next, Winter comes slowly · Now is the month of maying · Now, O now I needs must part · Nymphs and Shepherds · Once I loved a maiden fair · Pastime with good company · Phillida and Coridon · Phillis, on the new-made hay · Phillis, talk not more of passion · Phillis, why should we delay · Sally in our Alley · The Self-Banished · Shepherd, shepherd, leave decoying · Sumer is icumen in · The Three Ravens · Tobacco's but an Indian weed · Wert thou more fairer than thou art · What if a day · When I have often heard · When the King enjoys his own again · Why should'st thou sweare I am forsworn · The Willow Song · Wronge not, deare Empress of my hearte · You Gentlement of England.

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