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About Fostex:
Fostex first appeared on the music scene in 1973, which gives them more than four decades of experience in their domain of building speakers and pro audio equipment. In the beginning, they were all about parts, making the bits and pieces that do-it-yourselfers needed to put together their own home-built cabinets. It didn't take long for Fostex to begin offering ready-made speakers, though, and then to scale down to headphones. Today, studio monitors and 'phones are still their strong suits.
A big part of Fostex's reputation is based on what they've done to push the envelope and move speaker technology forward. For example, they were the force behind the introduction of 'regular phase' design, which is still the foundation for countless speakers, microphones and headphones years later. Fostex also did a lot of pioneering work in recording, revolutionizing multi-track systems with the first-ever reel-to-reel 8-track recorder. That was in 1981, and they raised the bar again 14 years later by introducing the original digital 8-track recorder.
The standards for Fostex hardware have stayed consistently high all along. If it's recording that interests you, then you've definitely got a good choice available in the UR2 Stereo Rack Recorder. With support for BWF (for maximum quality) or MP3 (for compatibility), this is a powerful recorder that generates top-quality digital audio files.
Fostex still distinguishes itself with its monitors, too. One of the ways they do that is by making their speaker cones out of specialty materials. They've developed those in-house to meet higher standards that mass-market cones can't quite reach. Their headphones are just as impressive, and you don't need to be a professional to take advantage of them: two of their models, the TH-5BB and TH-7BB, are designed exclusively for audiophiles who want a set that's a cut above the rest without the pro price tag.
Leading the way in pro audio since the '70s, Fostex is definitely a solid choice for your audio recording and playback equipment. If you have high standards for your music, then you owe it to yourself to trust gear that's built to high standards in turn. For that, you don't need to look any further than Fostex.