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Electronic drums are a great alternative to acoustic drums for a number of reasons. The most obvious of these reasons is almost certainly that you can control their volume, meaning you can have practices that are virtually silent for those around you while you hone your skills. Another valuable feature of electronic drums is the diversity of their sounds. Many electronic drum kits come pre-loaded with plenty of sounds and styles that you would need an entire warehouse of acoustic drums to replicate. It's pretty obvious that electronic drums are a great option for you, and you deserve nothing but the best. That's why you're checking out Simmons. Often referred to as the first name in electronic drums, Simmons have the experience and skills to give you all the tools you need to become an incredible drummer.

Simmons is well aware of the fact that different drummers have different needs, which is why they produce such a wide assortment of products. For example, if you're looking for your first electronic drum kit so you can learn the ropes, you'll want to check out the SD500 5-Piece Electronic Drum Set. This kit is big on features and small on price. Featuring four drum pads, three cymbal pads, a hi-hat controller and an integrated kick pad, this kit delivers a realistic feel that is perfect for everything from practice to studio time and live gigs.

Simmons is also proud to offer a great selection of accessories for their drum kits, one of which is the DA200S Electronic Drum Set Monitor. This monitor is perfect for when you really want to kick the volume up a notch, all while providing your audience with a realistic audio experience. With the ability to find tune and customize your sound, this monitor is an absolute must for your electronic kit.

Whether you're replacing individual components, adding a little volume, or purchasing an entirely new kit, Simmons has your back every step of the way. As the only name you need to know in the electronic drumming world, Simmons continues to pave the way for drummers everywhere.