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About Crown:

Putting together the best live audio system is no easy task, but you'll have a lot more peace of mind if you know that you're building it with equipment you can trust. Crown audio is a good place to get started on that, with a selection of power amplifiers, boundary mics and other essentials that will serve as some of the most important links in your component chain. There's enough variety in the Crown lineup to cater to any venue or stage, so no matter what kind of setup you're looking for, you can get it off to a great start right here.

Driving big PA speakers takes plenty of juice - thankfully, Crown specializes in power amplifiers, so you won't have any trouble providing that. Choosing the right one is as easy as choosing the power level and features you need. For instance, if you're building a stereo setup for a small-to-midsized space, the Crown X2000 Stereo 2x450W Power Amp delivers impressive bang for your buck. On the other hand, if you're assembling a real powerhouse for a huge or outdoor venue, you might want to look into a beefier option such as the Crown XTi 6002 Power Amplifier. From the premium XTi 2 series, it's loaded with features and can put out a blistering total of 6000 watts - as long as you have the 220V outlet to power this beast.

Rounding out the Crown audio catalog are a nice range of microphones. Most of these are boundary mics, like the PCC130SW and Sound Grabber II PZM Condender Microphone, but they've also got a headset: the Crown CM311 Headworn Condenser Mic. Searching for something small for permanent installations? Check out the Crown MB3 Mini Boundary Mic or PZM10 Pressure Zone Microphone. Designed to be mounted into walls, ceilings, stages or tabletops, these little guys are perfect for making efficient use of your studio or venue space.

Whatever Crown audio gear appeals to you, there's no question that it will serve you well. There are countless live sound systems using Crown power amps and boundary mics already, and you're looking at some good opportunities to add your own to the growing list. Just take one look into the reviews and ratings in this section and you'll find all the confirmation you need that Crown has what it takes to keep your system sounding great.