Used Solid State LR Baggs

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About LR Baggs:

LR Baggs (the company and the man) has always thrived on experimentation. Getting his start in San Francisco building and tinkering with instruments, Baggs eventually opened his own studio in Los Angeles. Singularly driven to understand what makes tone so distinct, Baggs has crafted some of the most distinct and powerful pickups in the world. This has led LR Baggs to become one of the most respected names in the music world today.

LR Baggs pickups and microphones are used by a seriously diverse group of artists throughout the music industry. Artists such as Ben Schneider of Lord Huron, Justin Townes Earle, Jake Bugg, Peter Frampton, Dallas Green, and bands like the Lumineers, the Old Crow Medicine Show, and the Wild Feather all love the purity of the LR Baggs sound. With such a wonderful wealth of talent choosing LR Baggs pickups, it's really no wonder that you want to do that same.

So which LR Baggs product is right for you? Well, that comes down to a number of factors, for example, which instrument do you play? If you love the violin, check out their Violin Pickup with Carpenter Jack. This pickup is definitely the preferred choice of professionals around the world. With a miniature vibration transducer that rejects feedback and eliminates scratchy nasal sounds, while enhancing the natural sound of the violin, this pickup is able to deliver consistently beautiful performance. Simply put, when you have these pickups, there's no need to fiddle around with anything else.

If you're a guitarist, you'll want to check out an option like the M1A Active Soundhole Magnetic Pickup. Loaded with first class electronics, these humbucking pickups help produce a wonderfully pure sound with sonic characteristics you'll definitely love. Vibrant and colorful, these pickups are perfect for your guitar.

Regardless of the pickups you choose, LR Baggs will have you sounding incredible. Built by skilled craftsmen who know how important tone is to artists, these pickups and microphones are not to be missed.