Charitable Giving

Charitable Giving

We believe that musical development inspires creativity and personal expression, enhances self-esteem, and teaches craftsmanship and cooperation. The Musician's Friend Charitable Giving Committee's mission is to contribute to personal musical development within our local communities. Our hope is that by enabling music lovers to develop into passionate musicians, they will become more confident and personally fulfilled members of our society.

Accordingly, we consider donation requests for cash and/or musical equipment from 501(c)(3) organizations that facilitate music education. Donations are granted only in the communities in which our staff live and work. Requests for donations must be submitted on your organization's letterhead at least eight weeks prior to the date needed and will be reviewed on a monthly basis by the Charitable Giving Committee. You will be notified of our decision via mail or email. Please include the following information in your request:

Organization name
Contact person's name, address, email address, and phone number
Contribution request (cash amount, and/or specific musical instruments or equipment)
Explanation of how the contribution will be used
The approximate number of people it will benefit
Tax ID number
Proof of 501(c)(3) status

Please submit your request via email to:

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