Mic stringed instruments
What is the best way to mic my stringed instrument?
Here’s a reference guide to miking stringed instruments
First, there are several types of mics to choose from. Each type has its strengths and weaknesses. To help simplify which mic would work best for a specific instrument, we've split up each group of instruments and associated them with a specific mic group.
(The first number mentioned in each group will represent the best mic for the job)
Here are the basic types of mics, which we’ll label by number:
1: Hypercardioid or supercardioid condenser
2: Large-diaphragm hypercardioid or supercardioid condenser
3: Cardioid condenser
4: Hypercardioid or supercardioid dynamic
5: Large-diaphragm dynamic
6: Cardioid dynamic
For “Flat-top” guitars, we recommend using mics 1,2,3 and 4. Place the mic where the neck overlaps the body about 3” to 7” away.
For “Classical or Flamenco” guitars, use mics 1,2,3 and 4. Place the mic where the neck overlaps the body (on treble side) about 3” to 7” away.
For “Folk Harp”, use mics 2,1,3 and 4. Place it about 1/3 of the way up from the bottom of the soundboard about 4” to 5” away.