Home Schecter Guitar Research Guitars

Schecter Guitar Research Guitars

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Schecter Guitar Research C-1 Platinum Electric Guitar
4.5 of 5 stars (28)
from  Product Price  $599.00
Schecter Guitar Research C-1 Platinum Blackout Electric...
5.0 of 5 stars (7)
Product Price  $599.00
Schecter Guitar Research Omen Extreme-6 Electric Guitar
5.0 of 5 stars (31)
from  Product Price  $399.00
Schecter Guitar Research C-1 Platinum FR S Electric Guitar
5.0 of 5 stars (9)
Product Price  $799.00
Schecter Guitar Research Nick Johnston Diamond Series Trad
4.5 of 5 stars (2)
Product Price  $899.00
Schecter Guitar Research Nick Johnston Traditional S/S/S...
5.0 of 5 stars (3)
Product Price  $899.00
Schecter Guitar Research Solo-II Custom Electric Guitar
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $1,099.00
Schecter Guitar Research CR-6 Electric Guitar
5.0 of 5 stars (10)
Product Price  $799.00
Schecter Guitar Research C-7 FR-S Apocalypse 7-String...
5.0 of 5 stars (2)
Product Price  $1,549.00
Schecter Guitar Research Banshee Mach FR S 6-String...
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $1,649.00
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Schecter Guitar Research Custom Shop Nick Johnston...
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $3,499.00
Schecter Guitar Research Synyster Gates Custom 7-String TR...
5.0 of 5 stars (2)
Product Price  $2,299.00
Schecter Guitar Research Sun Valley Super Shredder FR S...
4.5 of 5 stars (2)
Product Price  $899.00
Schecter Guitar Research PT Van Nuys Electric Guitar
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $899.00
Schecter Guitar Research Machine Gun Kelly PT Electric...
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $999.00
Schecter Guitar Research Corsair Semi-Hollow Electric...
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $1,299.00
Schecter Guitar Research C-1 FR S Blackjack 6-String...
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $1,499.00
Schecter Guitar Research Synyster Gates Custom-S Electric...
5.0 of 5 stars (2)
Product Price  $1,499.00
Schecter Guitar Research Aaron Marshall AM-6 Electric...
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $1,399.00
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Schecter Guitar Research PT Electric Guitar
4.5 of 5 stars (26)
Product Price  $799.00
Schecter Guitar Research Hellraiser C-9 Electric Guitar
5.0 of 5 stars (3)
Product Price  $1,249.00
Schecter Guitar Research C-1 SLS Elite Evil Twin Electric...
5.0 of 5 stars (3)
Product Price  $1,399.00
Schecter Guitar Research Avenger FR SLS Elite Evil Twin...
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $1,599.00
Schecter Guitar Research Reaper-7 MS 7-String Multi-scale...
5.0 of 5 stars (4)
Product Price  $1,149.00
Schecter Guitar Research V-1 Custom Electric Guitar
5.0 of 5 stars (2)
Product Price  $1,099.00
Schecter Guitar Research Sun Valley Super Shredder Exotic...
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $1,299.00
Schecter Guitar Research Hellraiser C-8 Electric Guitar
5.0 of 5 stars (4)
Product Price  $1,199.00
Schecter Guitar Research SVSS Exotic Ziricote 6-String...
5.0 of 5 stars (2)
Product Price  $1,299.00
Schecter Guitar Research Reaper-6 FR-S Electric Guitar
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $1,299.00
Schecter Guitar Research Zacky Vengeance 6661 Electric...
4.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $1,189.00
Schecter Guitar Research Tempest Custom 6-String Electric...
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $1,149.00
Schecter Guitar Research PT Pro
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $999.00
Schecter Guitar Research C-1 FR-S SLS Elite Evil Twin...
4.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $1,599.00
Schecter Guitar Research Ultra III Electric Guitar
4.5 of 5 stars (9)
from  Product Price  $949.00
Schecter Guitar Research Solo-II Custom Electric Guitar
5.0 of 5 stars (4)
Product Price  $1,099.00
Schecter Guitar Research Synyster Gates Custom-S Electric...
5.0 of 5 stars (2)
Product Price  $1,499.00
Schecter Guitar Research Ultra III Electric Guitar
4.0 of 5 stars (5)
Product Price  $1,199.00
Schecter Guitar Research Nick Johnston Traditional HSS...
5.0 of 5 stars (2)
Product Price  $899.00
Schecter Guitar Research Traditional Van Nuys Electric...
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $899.00
Schecter Guitar Research Damien Platinum 8-String Electric...
5.0 of 5 stars (5)
Product Price  $899.00

Over its 40-year history, Schecter Guitar Research has built itself up from a small fry in the guitar industry to one of its most influential luthiers. Never content to settle for the status quo, Schecter is always working on new instruments as well as refinements to its existing lineup. The result is a catalog of amazing guitars that has something to offer for musicians of all styles and skill levels. It's been quite a journey since David Schecter quietly opened his humble guitar repair shop in 1976 in Van Nuys, California. Word was quick to spread about the outstanding quality of Schecter's replacement parts, which included such a wide variety of hardware that David could easily have assembled a complete guitar using just his own parts and an off-the-shelf set of strings. In 1979, that's exactly what Schecter did, entering the market on a high note with an exclusive series of premium hand-made guitars.

That premium status is something Schecter Guitar Research still maintains today. As a high-end luthier, they've landed instruments in the hands of super high-profile guitarists including Robin Zander of Cheap Trick, Steve Zing of Danzig, Richard Patrick of Filter, Robert Smith of The Cure and even the inimitable Prince. Through artists like these, music lovers can hear the impressive sound of Schecter guitars in concerts all over the world.

Still, there's no substitute for hearing it first-hand when you're playing your own Schecter axe. If you're looking for something beginner-friendly, check out the OMEN-6, which comes in right and left-handed versions so anyone can get in on the action. Maybe you're looking to take things to the next level with an extended-range guitar? Then you've got to take a look at the SGR C-7 and the OMEN-7. For those who demand the best of the best, Schecter has a lot to offer. Try starting your search with the USA Sunset Classic II and USA Contoured Exotic electric guitars - you'll be glad that you did.

The guitar community has some of the toughest critics around, but you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone with a negative word to say about Schecter Guitar Research. That's because these top-shelf guitars really are just that good. When you want an instrument that makes no compromises and cuts no corners, Schecter is the name that should top your wish list.