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Rickenbacker 620 Electric Guitar
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Rickenbacker 4003S Electric Bass
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Rickenbacker 330 Electric Guitar
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Rickenbacker 325C64 Miami C Series Electric Guitar
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Rickenbacker 1993Plus 12-String Electric Guitar
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Rickenbacker 360 Electric Guitar
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Rickenbacker 4003 Bass
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Rickenbacker 330/12 Electric Guitar
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Rickenbacker 360W Hollowbody Electric Guitar
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Rickenbacker 330W Electric Guitar
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Rickenbacker is a name that is absolutely revered among musicians. With their distinct tone and shape, these instruments have become sought after by artists and collectors around the world for over half a century. Loaded with history, Rickenbackers are truly special instruments that have an important place in popular music. Of course, one can't say Rickenbacker without the iconic "Rickenbacker Sound" coming to mind. First rising to prominence with the Beatles in 1964, the Rickenbacker's jangly tone quickly caught on with the likes of the Who, the Byrds, and more. Just like that, a legend was born.

Tom Petty and Mike Campbell of the Heartbreakers led the Rickenbacker charge throughout the late 70s, using the instruments to help make the early Tom Petty and the Heartbreaker records instant classics. Even today, artists like Stevie Van Zandt, Jay Ferguson, Robin Zander, Jesse Lacey, Carrie Brownstein, Laura Jane Grace, Dwight Yokum, and more all rely on the hi-gain chime and shine of Rickenbacker guitars to help their sounds stand out from the pack.

Of course, Rickenbacker also makes some absolutely thunderous bass guitars. As a matter of fact, Rickenbacker bass guitars are the only ones that Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead uses on stage as well as in the studio. With a seemingly endless string of world famous players making their mark with a Rickenbacker, it's no wonder that they've landed in a class all their own.

So which Rickenbacker is right for you? Well, that depends. Are you after a bass? Then check out the 4003 Bass. Maybe you'd rather play the guitar? Then strap into the 360 Electric Guitar. If you'd rather a 12 string guitar for maximum chime, then the 360/12C63 C Series 12-String Electric Guitar might be right up your alley. Whichever Rickenbacker you choose, one thing is for certain, you're going to sound amazing.

Take some time to think about the features that you love, and in no time flat you'll find the Rickenbacker that is right for you. And once you do, you'll wonder why it took you so long to experience the Rickenbacker Sound for yourself.