Home Ibanez Burst or Fade Professional Semi-Hollow and Hollow Body Electric Guitars

Burst or Fade Professional Ibanez Semi-Hollow and Hollow Body Electric Guitars

(6 Items)
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Ibanez JSM10 John Scofield Signature Semi-Hollowbody...
3.5 of 5 stars (3)
Product Price  $1,199.99
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Ibanez Prestige AF2000 Artstar Series Hollowbody Electric...
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $2,599.99
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Ibanez GB10 George Benson Hollowbody Electric
5.0 of 5 stars (28)
Product Price  $3,599.99
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Ibanez JSM100VT John Scofield Signature Electric Guitar
4.5 of 5 stars (20)
Product Price  $2,999.99
Ibanez GB Series GB10SE George Benson Signature Hollow Body...
4.0 of 5 stars (6)
Product Price  $1,399.99
Ibanez LGB30 George Benson Signature Hollowbody Electric...
4.5 of 5 stars (15)
Product Price  $1,199.99